King Lear (Arkangel Complete Shakespeare)

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Performing Arts

King Lear (Arkangel Complete Shakespeare) Details

Presents a full-cast dramatization of Shakespeare's great tragedy in which each of King Lear's three daughters must earn a share of his kingdom by proving the extent of her love for him.


Recently I've gotten hooked on the Arkangel Shakespeare audiobooks because, as fully dramatized, they become entertainment not a scholarly exercise in reading an archaic language.King Lear was new to me, unlike the others I listened to, so I didn't know whether I could follow the action without any cues to tell me who was speaking. Not to worry, the actors are distinct enough that this wasn't a problem. I didn't know what to expect from the play itself because it was always described as horribly depressing, but, without any visuals, I could get interested in the characters without having any image of Lear carrying his dead daughter on stage.Anyway, this has become one of my favorites of the Arkangel series. As the kids progress through the plays in school, I will bring out these audiobooks so we can hear 'conversational' Shakespeare to counterbalance what the kids see on the printed page.


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