The Essential Guide to Droids (Star Wars)
Category: Books,Humor & Entertainment,Movies
The Essential Guide to Droids (Star Wars) Details Review Some of the coolest personalities in Star Wars--both big parts and bit players--aren't really persons at all. They're droids. From the comedic duo of R2-D2 and C-3PO to the beeping, gonking peanut gallery in the belly of the Sandcrawler, you can tell that Lucas loved his droids. In fact, as Essential Guide author Daniel Wallace wisely points out, A New Hope opens not with a princess or a Jedi, but with the bickering R2 and 3PO. Wallace shares that affection, and in The Essential Guide to Droids, he lovingly describes a hundred of the hardest working bots in the galaxy, drawing from the Star Wars movies, novels, and comics. (As Wallace puts it, "We like to think we covered all the cool ones.") Every droid you remember (or maybe just recognize) is here, from R2 and 3PO to the syringe-packing interrogator orbs on the Death Star to the eyeball-on-a-stick security drone that minds Jabba's front door. Each entry lists the unit's specs and history (and sometimes even marketing strategy), and a technical blueprint points out all the features. (How else would you find the retractable paralysis cord on the cone-headed bounty hunter IG-88?) With its droids of all callings, from medical to military and protocol to processing, this Essential Guide is a tour any SW fan will love. --Paul Hughes Read more From the Inside Flap TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER . . . DROID!They can be anything from nursemaids to surgeons, diplomats to assassins. They walk, roll, and fly--and communicate in languages ranging from whistles and beeps to Standard Basic to the most obscure alien dialect. MixRMastRs make drinks in spaceport cantinas, Basilisks make war wherever they're deployed, and IT-O Interrogators make life nightmarish for prisoners of the Empire.Droids are an integral and indispensable part of the Star Wars universe. And this comprehensive guide surveys all the myriad models and classes--from the lowliest drones to the most sophisticated humanoid automatons.- Discover the evolution of the R-series droids, whose members include lumbering technicians and skilled X-wing navigators such as R2-D2- Learn the curious history of the MSE-6 "mouse" droids employed exclusively in the bases and on Imperial starships of the Empire- Explore the workings of the malevolent Shadow Droids: machines with living, organic brains- Uncover how the Rebel's fearsome FIDO (Foreign Intruder Defense Organism) carries out its dutiesWhatever its design and wherever it may be found in the ever-expanding Star Wars universe, if the subject is droid, its definitive data on development, history, and technology is included in this essential technical guide. Read more See all Editorial Reviews
I bought this because I'm reading some of the Star Wars novels from before the prequels, specifically the X-Wing series. This books is nice in that it allows me to have a better image of what some of the droids look like (Emtrey, for instance). The images are done nicely. I like the fact that they are drawn in a technical style, illustrating the various aspects of a droid (think droid anatomy). This is great for any long time Star Wars fan.